
Open Courses

  1. Prices for open courses are as advertised.

Private Group Bookings

Typical costs for private group bookings per group of  10 students  based in Staveley Village Hall is: 

  1.  One day EFAW course is approx £545  (approx £45 per student) -Request a quote ..
  2. Two-day Outdoor First  Aid course is approx ££910  (approx £76 per student)- Request a quote 
  3. Two-day FAW requalifying course  is  £820  (approx £82 per student)- Request a quote 
  4. Three-day FAW  (2 days practical/one day online)  course  is  £820 (approx £82 per student) - Request a quote 

For private group bookings, there may be additional costs for travel and accommodation and the hire of the training venue if required.